tech fair.


Unit title: Innovation through Technology
Statement of inquiry
Applying scientific information when developing products can help enhance functions of the product and improve user’s experience.
Global Context
Scientific and technical innovation
ATL Skills
Communication, self-management and research
Key concepts: Development
Related concepts: Function and invention

Task 1 - Research for existing products (individual task)
Students Name: Dean
Class: 7B
Existing products links:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
Link 4:
Brainstorm on ideas for your Tech Fair project (Individual task).
Create a mind-map of the ideas that you have found through your research. The mind-map has to be represented in a creative and colorful manner.

This picture is just an example

TASK 2 – Identify two interesting ideas for the Tech Fair
Pros: I won’t need to spend a lot of money to do it.
Cons: It will be hard to learn how to code.
Hardware: laptop
Software: Coding program
How I can improve it: I will make the snake game, but I will change it. I will code the game where you’re a snake and you can eat blocks that give you more points. I will also add some colours to the game.

Miniature F1 car
Pros: I already know the parts of an F1 car.
Cons: It will be difficult to manufacture it.
Hardware: 3D printer, laptop
Software: CAD and CAM program
Write two ideas that you have found interesting through your research. Include the pictures of the two products researched

For each idea you need to write:
Idea name
Strengths/Pros of the project idea
Weaknesses/Cons of the project idea
Hardware/software to be used?
Resources available?                                                                      
What can I do to improve the existing product?
How is it beneficial to the society?

If you are working in pair, discuss with your partner and decide on one idea for the Tech Fair that will be the most interesting and challenging.

Discuss with your partner and submit your final idea to your teacher.

TASK 3: Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
Write a justification of one chosen idea - max 150 words.
Coding and renovating the snake game:
Damien and I are opting to code the classic snake game and probing for aspects to renovate so that the game will be modern, fun and intriguing. When we are coding and renovating the game, we will find incipient conceptions that avails the user to interact with the game.

What are the main points of research needed to develop the product?
·       How do we code javascript?
·       What will we use to make this game?
·       What should we do to make this game more fun?

TASK 4 - Design brief of the Tech Fair project

Always start the design brief with “I am going to design and make .....”. This is followed by a general description of the type of device you feel will answer the design problem.
1.      What you are going to create?
2.      Why you are going to make the product?
3.      Who is your target audience?
4.      What are the features and functions of your product?
You could look at other aspects of the product such as; safety and general size
I am going to make a new and improved retro snake game with Damien. We will make this because the retro snake game is boring and there are many complex games out there, but we just want to make a fun and interesting “on-the-go” game that is simple. This game for people who are bored and need something to do and entertain themselves. Some features are you can move the snake with arrow keys, you eat the apple and if you go to the border, you come out the other wall that is parallel to it. Some features we will add are that the apples give you a random amount of points (1-3 points).
