

My name is Dean. I am currently 11 years old and am in year 7. I have been in this school since EY. My friends are Damien, Sam, Joseph G, Joseph C, Roy, Yassin, Taeyoo, Hasan Ali, Hassan Hneini and Dongha. I am from Malaysia and have 2 siblings, which are a brother, who is in year 12, and a sister who is in university. I live with my parents and my siblings and my grandmother and grandfather, uncles, aunts, and my cousins. My favourite book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and my favourite sport is golf. My favourite movie is Peter Rabbit and my favourite food is spaghetti bolognese. I spend my weekend watching youtube, playing games, watching television and riding my mountain bike. I can do cool tricks like doing wheelies, riding with no hands, a bunny hop and I can ride very fast. The United Kingdom is my favourite country other than Malaysia. We lived there for about 1 and a half years and I had a lot of fun. My brother won a golf tournament while my sister played golf for fun.


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